Sunday, November 15, 2009


you have brought me
the scent from my village.
Your words and smile
hide my mothers warmth
my fathers comforting smile.

you have cleansed my blood
with your sound of music
the redness in chembarathi
the green hue of the paddy fields
the nectar from my village well
the scent of an elephant
the distant percussion from the temple
all merged in front of me
words transformed into devotion, faith
a melody of pathos which filled
my ears and heart.

when loved ones have turned
into fixed time windows
of sympathetic moorings
you whom have hither unknown
have showered the bliss
and brought my innocence
which had some where lost
in my tryst with destiny.

your purity of thought
embodied with knowledge
helps me to find the path
i had forgotten

oh stranger
your visit this day
have turned despair to hope

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


I am in the dark
light will flood my home
when Pa arrives from work
dreamy, drunk and sullen.

He spreads my bed;
fills my water bottle
and when I cuddle
under his arm
he dabs my head .

His hand quivers now
I could feel his pulse
when i look up to him
a tear would drop on
my nose pricking
my heart!.

He bangs my bed
and rushes towards
Ma 's pictures
staring at it for hours.
I was picked up by Ma
when i was playing
with my friends
I don't remember my
biological mother.

when i sniffed Ma's
fingers i knew
she was the one.
seeing i am a healthy
and beautiful Pa and Ma took
me to their home.

It was fun playing with Ma
she would keep me
between her breasts
I would sniff her all over
and she would laugh
like a child.

When Ma goes to study
Pa keeps me in the sofa
I litter and pee making
him angry
I peep to see Ma looking
through the Internet
her sweet chides
make Pa a little boy.

In the dead of the night
when Pa and Ma make
funny noise and their
bodies turn into one
I hide behind the bed sheet
and when they are drenched in sweat
I roam over tickling them.

Ma now don't look at me!
Out of sympathy she sometimes
tries to play with me
but her beautiful eyes
are filled with tears
her hands have lost its care.
She now doesn’t come to see
me over the internet.
Pa’s attempt to show
me always ends up
with a fight.

I don't know where i
will end up
my little friend who visits
from across the street
speak of the dangers.
When left alone and abandoned
a bunny will be a feast for
cats and dogs
or be trashed under a racing cab.

But I prefer death in an instant
than to see
Pa ,Ma and I
abandoned !