Sunday, March 26, 2017


Amma (Mother)

Amma, the harbinger of hope
in the sea of darkness ..
Amma, the carressing hand
in the times of fever.
Amma, the fountain of confidence
when I sink in office stress hole.

Amma, who taught me to love
and break the wall of hatred.
Amma, who taught me to be selfless
even to care those who hurt you.
Amma, who kept my beliefs in an ideal world
when the world taught me otherwise.
Amma, who showed me value of criticism
when whole world stand against you.

Amma, you taught me science
but i never become a scientist

Amma, you made me read books
but i never became a writer

Amma , you told me all religions are same
and thence i  became a humanist .

In a world divided in religion
you sowed the seeds of love!

wish this world has more ammas like you

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Balcony of Our Love

Let me lie down
with my face on your lap
I need your hand soothing
over my head relieving all my stress

In times of extreme darkness
i want to hold your hand
and walk through the
dust filled streets,
the traffic filled cities,and
the stench smelling canals ..

I want to take you, to all
the romantic places on Earth
To trek, to camp, bathe in
pure streams,to sing and dance
beating my drums to your love

Everday, i want to have breakfast
in our balcony amidst the trees.
where we could hear the bird sing
and i cuddle on to you..

Saturday, March 04, 2017

Ice 'N Sizzler

That fiery look
from the corner of your eye
Your hair flowing like a stream
over the boulders of your magnetic neck
knotted by the flowers of love.
Will melt me like ice 'n a sizzler.
Let my eyes evaporate
to freeze that moment for ever.

I will hold your hands
walk through the desert winds of pain
Will pass through the cliffs and mountains
and lead you to that romantic world.
If i fall, deep down from the cliffs
Will hold you like a flower
Taking the pain and stress
Holding a smiling face till my death

What magic ! what power
!My fingers twitch,my blood boils
i turn into a waft of fragrance
as you read these lines..