As the sun creeps out of his bed,
I lie in my bed,
With the hope to meet you,
I wish the days were taller,
And me a mere midget
And time stopped when I am with you
Your eyes, gifted by the Queen
Of the spotted deer
Meets my dreamy eyes
Blood throbs in my veins
In that tsunami of pathos
I float like a twig in the sea
Let me hold your hand
The warmth of your blood
Flows through my body
Let me quiver in the heat
Your breath Spread like a wild fire
All day I see you
And make love to you
With my senses
My eyes, my ears,
Everything that is me
Floats over you like a river
And in the evening
When we part,
a droplet of tear glues my eye lids
Only to be vaporized
By the warmth of your lips.
As the day ends I die
In the memory of your lap
And every day my last wish
Is for the day to never end