Saturday, February 27, 2010

Do I exist?

I pay rent, wash clothes
I wait in queues
for different hues of documents
proving my existence
proving i am married
proving i am born
What more I need to prove
That I am a human being
A test to see if indeed
I am human
I doubt these days
Whether I exist
If indeed I exist

May be i exist for my computer
i feed him with commands
which only he can decipher
only he can work
i play with him
write in his face
and when he is at fault
i correct him
may be he loves me
or does he also hate me
Do i also bore him?
Do i also make him cry?
Do i become an obstacle
between his love
Poor soul he can’t speak
may be for him I exist
as a tormentor or as a friend
Lucky my computer
Has no tongue!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Eighth Wonder

Let me buy you
all the beautiful clothes
that being displayed
in this tinsel town

when you wear them
one by one
let me kiss ever softly
on your lovely breasts

Let me buy you
all the beautiful jewels
that adorn the shops
in this diamond town

when you wear them
one by one
let my hands dab
over your silky navel

Let me buy you
all the bath ,
soaps of lavender, jasmine
and scent of all flowers

When you dip yourself
in our bath tub
let me be a sponge
to drink your sweetness.

Let me take you
to all the wonders of the
world and tell you
behind your ears

"You are the eight
wonder that God
has gifted to me"

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Death a Gift

Death is the only gift
That can be presented to my love
Flowers, rings, valentine gifts
And kisses she hate

Let death be packaged
In my blood soaked paper
And would be final present to her

Death a relief and solace
to your loved ones
an escape from their torment
in that death is beautiful
in that death is a solution
and may be God's wish too

Friday, February 05, 2010


Earth under me is shivering
The walls break in front of me
Wind blows the curtain away
as the rain lashes on to my face

A fire has caught my clothes
And would soon engulf my self
My beard have been grilled
My face covered in soot

My heart is not pumping
My eyes long fixed to infinity
My legs are broken
My body covered in blood

My hands were still typing
My last letter in blood....