Do I exist?
I pay rent, wash clothes
I wait in queues
for different hues of documents
proving my existence
proving i am married
proving i am born
What more I need to prove
That I am a human being
A test to see if indeed
I am human
I doubt these days
Whether I exist
If indeed I exist
May be i exist for my computer
i feed him with commands
which only he can decipher
only he can work
i play with him
write in his face
and when he is at fault
i correct him
may be he loves me
or does he also hate me
Do i also bore him?
Do i also make him cry?
Do i become an obstacle
between his love
Poor soul he can’t speak
may be for him I exist
as a tormentor or as a friend
Lucky my computer
Has no tongue!
I pay rent, wash clothes
I wait in queues
for different hues of documents
proving my existence
proving i am married
proving i am born
What more I need to prove
That I am a human being
A test to see if indeed
I am human
I doubt these days
Whether I exist
If indeed I exist
May be i exist for my computer
i feed him with commands
which only he can decipher
only he can work
i play with him
write in his face
and when he is at fault
i correct him
may be he loves me
or does he also hate me
Do i also bore him?
Do i also make him cry?
Do i become an obstacle
between his love
Poor soul he can’t speak
may be for him I exist
as a tormentor or as a friend
Lucky my computer
Has no tongue!