A Broken Glass
A broken glass lay on my window sill
i watched it roll in the gentle breeze
the shifting clouds bend the light
a lonely star stood watching me ...
Moist hands on my face..
dew drops fell on my fingers..
i rose from the unmade bed..
a child standing there...
i kept her on my lap
wiped the rivers from her face..
her fingers found a hole..
my nose wriggled in pain
I searched my yellow room
found a Buddha in my bag..
she played it for hours.
a smile spread over her face..
my Buddha smiled at me...
i held her in my arms..
trickled her below the feet.
in a moment of ecstasy
she scratched my face
a drop of blood
Unwilling to fall
danced.. joy in pain
she fell on her back..
the gentle breeze
rocked her to sleep
a bead of love floated
over her face..
only to fall on her lovely dimples...
For many a nights..
i watched the broken glass
lying on my window sill
i lay awake in unmade bed..
waiting to hear her giggle...
in those moments i feel
for the scar she left in my
broken life.
A broken glass lay on my window sill
i watched it roll in the gentle breeze
the shifting clouds bend the light
a lonely star stood watching me ...
Moist hands on my face..
dew drops fell on my fingers..
i rose from the unmade bed..
a child standing there...
i kept her on my lap
wiped the rivers from her face..
her fingers found a hole..
my nose wriggled in pain
I searched my yellow room
found a Buddha in my bag..
she played it for hours.
a smile spread over her face..
my Buddha smiled at me...
i held her in my arms..
trickled her below the feet.
in a moment of ecstasy
she scratched my face
a drop of blood
Unwilling to fall
danced.. joy in pain
she fell on her back..
the gentle breeze
rocked her to sleep
a bead of love floated
over her face..
only to fall on her lovely dimples...
For many a nights..
i watched the broken glass
lying on my window sill
i lay awake in unmade bed..
waiting to hear her giggle...
in those moments i feel
for the scar she left in my
broken life.
Drenched with feeling...
good work.
keep it up.
Good work, good piecce of art, Peter
have a doubt on a line which goes like.. "rocked her to sleep"
is that possible?
Its cold out there. So are our lives.
The writing is warm...with cold.
heartfelt...n daz wat i loved abt diz one!!!!
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